Shanghai - Page 2 Shanghai-Page1
Mao overlooking the Bund and the Pudong skyline.
The sign says this is the site of the Ohel Moshe synagogue. Can't go in on Sundays...
The old tea house in the middle of the lake. This is just across from the Yu Yuan Garden.
Shanghai and Pudong are kept relatively clean by these nice people.
Chinese lawn mowers. How many people does it take to keep the city parks in the shape they are with these methods?
People in the market were friendly, and with only one exception, were happy to pose or have their picture taken.
This is were you'd get your prawns for dinner.
Or, if you are more adventurous, your
This is not a pet store. It's what's for dinner... Jim and David choosing the main dish.
In some places, people think you need a full sized pickup truck to carry half this load...
Or at least an minivan to carry this one ocasionally.
Popular parking spot.
I don't know what you call ice-cream in Chinese. It doesn't seem to matter to these guys...
Resistance is futile, prepare to be assimilated... ;-)
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Copyright © GBuhacoff. All pictures were taken with a Kodak FunSaver camera.