Shanghai - Page 1                                                       Shanghai-Page 2


Nan Jing 1.JPG (27433 bytes)

Neon lights, neon lights...


Nan Jing 2.JPG (27620 bytes)

...if you don't have a neon sign on Nan Jing road, you are not advertising...


Ferry 1.JPG (30789 bytes)

The line for the ferry - crowds waiting to board, sometimes they don't even wait for the people who are getting off...


Ferry 2.JPG (25081 bytes)

They do relax a bit after they get on.


Pudong1.JPG (11631 bytes)

Pudong skyline from Shanghai side of the river.


Pudong2.JPG (8590 bytes)

The Hyatt dwarfs everything else in the neighborhood...


Fangbang1.JPG (35709 bytes)

West entrance to the Fangbang road market.


Fangbang2.JPG (39839 bytes)

The east side of Fangbang road is not as fancy.


People's Square1.JPG (19396 bytes)

The People's Square.  Looking at the Communist Party's building.


People's Square2.JPG (15343 bytes)

People's Square, the white building in the background is the Shanghai municipality.


People's Square3.JPG (25684 bytes)

People's Square, better view of the gardens.


Police Santana.JPG (14309 bytes)

It would seem every car is a VW Santana, even the Police cars...

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Copyright © GBuhacoff.   All pictures were taken with a Kodak FunSaver™ camera.