Around the NWet 2010 - Page 7

The Day Before Ride:

Ken and Bill, ready to go.

Ken on Hwy-14.

Mt. St. Helens from Windy Ridge.


Mt. St. Helens.

Some sections were still a bit dirty.

Others were more than a bit...

Mt. St. Helens.

Come on, enough with the pictures, let's ride...

There is still a lot of snow by the road.

Mt. St. Helens.

The photog.


Imagine coming around a corner to see this...

Soft landing.

The road to Windy Ridge.

Ken hitting on the chick with the Nash.

Thanks guys, it was a great ride!

Construction on Apiary Rd.

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Copyright © GBuhacoff.   Pictures taken with a Panasonic DMC-FS15.